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Submit your music and videos to feature on our platform which gives you the exposure and support you need to develop into a major artist / act in the music, arts and entertainment industry. 

Feature on UTUK Music & TV on Website, Youtube and App. 

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A video streaming platform for Undiscovered Talents across the globe. Sign up, submit your videos and watch them go live on our platform.​ Once you log in click on "UTUK Music and TV"​ in your menu.


- Music videos

- Interviews

- UTUK Youth

- Festivals

- Shows

- Podcasts & Vlogs

- Showcase


Sign up for free to watch

Choose a promo package to be featured

Video submission

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- Music videos

- Performances

- Studio

- Concert

- Festival

- Shows​


Submit Videos

NextUP Playlist

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Submit your original music for a chance to be featured on the NextUp playlist and get your music played on radio stations.​

Submit music

Official NextUP Playlist

UTUK Music Charts

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Calling all artists! Submit your music for free and lets get your music in the top 10 and radio play from multiple radio stations.

Music submission

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- Albums

- New releases

- EPs

- Top 10 songs


Submit music

Launch New Music with UTUK

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Launch your new music and videos with UTUK and get your music heard by 1000s of music lovers and industry professionals.



Pass The Mic Not a Knife

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Help us with the fight against knife crime in the UK. Submit music and videos in relation to the cause.​

Submit music

Spotify Playlist

Music submission form

Undiscovered Talent UK welcomes Music and video submissions only from the owner, label or management and they must be over the age of 16. Do not submit music if you do not have the rights or permission to do so. Music must be radio edit / clean. When submitting, make sure your file, attachment it’s labelled with title and name of artist / act.

Sign up as a paying member to upload multiple tracks 
Upload Music
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)
Upload Music Video
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)
Upload Artwork
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)

Thanks for submitting, we will be in touch shortly. Please check your emails for confirmation.

Submission form
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