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Sign up with UTUK and discover a whole new community within the Arts and Entertainment Industry.



Sign up to the UTUK community and get involved with member features.​




£4.99 Per month / Benefits :


- Direct chat and collaborate with other members

- Join Groups to start discussions and share content on your profile

- Take part in member only competitions and events.

- No competition entry fees

- Submit to the Opportunities Board

- A dedicated members app to keep you updated about new platform features. an opportunities.

- Sign up to online Challenges 

- Cancel anytime


Click here for a free account


Youth Development (Basic)


Creating opportunities for the youth of today.​​​

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£3.99 Per month / Benefits :


- Upload content, network with other young performers and share thoughts.

- Join Youth Groups to start discussions and share content.

- Kept in the loop with Youth events and competitions.

- No competition entry fees

- Sign up to online Challenges

- Discounts on promotional features and merchandise.

- Cancel anytime


Click here for a free account


The Showcase Area


The “Showcase Area” is a promotional talent directory showcasing and listing a variety of performers represented by UTUK​​​

and other Industry professionals.

Ash Dance Company

£2.99 Per month / Benefits :


- Performer profiles for all types of acts worldwide

- Performance opportunities at Festivals, Shows, Events and much more

- Reach out to new audiences, agents and industry professional

- Connect and collaborate with other acts and agents

- Represent and showcase your artists and acts

- Promotional features and highlights on social media and email campaigns



Enjoy extra platform features and support from Team UTUK.​




£6.99 Per month / Benefits :


- Direct chat and collaborate with other members.

- The Showcase Area

- Join Groups, Forums, upload content and other interactive features.

- Social media, Blog and Website promotion

- Take part in member only competitions and events.

- No competition entry fees

- Submit to the Opportunities Board

- A dedicated members app to keep updated about new platform features. an opportunities.

- Sign up to online Challenges.

-Exclusive content and Merchandise

- Digital downloads and Tools

- Loyalty program

- Cancel anytime


Youth Development (Premium)


Lets champion the youth of today with support, education, opportunities and development.​​​

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£5.99 Per month / Benefits :


- The Showcase Area

- Upload content, network with other young performers and share thoughts.

- Join Youth Groups to start discussions and share content.

- Kept in the loop with Youth events and competitions.

- No competition entry fees

- Sign up to Youth projects and Work experience at our events.

- Sign up to online Challenges

- Performance opportunities (Online and Live)​

- Discounts on promotional features and merchandise.

- Cancel anytime


UTUK Music and TV Feature


A new platform feature for people who simply love to watch new upcoming talents from around the world. Featuring on our platform gives you the exposure and support you need to develop into a major artist / act in the arts and entertainment industry. 


Website Members App Youtube Spotify

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£4.99 Per month / Plan includes :


- Submit multiple videos and songs to feature on the platform.

- Highlights on Social media and Email campaigns.

- Connect with a wider audience and build a fan base.

- Artist content added to our Blog.

- Watch on YouTube, Members App and Website

- Spotify playlist features

- Featured in The Showcase Area

Apply For Representation


Are you an act / artist looking for some form of representation from a global talent platform?

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Includes :


  • Member and website profile

  • Social media promotion

  • Email and support campaigns

  • Performance opportunities

  • Booking management

  • Forums and Groups

  • Music & TV features (Website, Youtube and Members App)

  • EP, Album and Song launch

  • Radio play, Spotify Playlist features

  • Press release and blog

  • Accessible ticketing platform for upcoming Gigs

  • Representing UTUK at other partner events and shows

Promo Package


Promote with UTUK and start building a global fanbase and attracting new audiences throughout our platform.

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Starts from £49.99 / Package includes :


- Magazine

Feature in our bi - monthly magazine and submit exciting content for viewers to view digitally or in person.


- Email Campaigns

Get included in one of our weekly campaigns sent to 1000s of subscribers.


- Social media

The most publicly efficient way to promote yourself through a global talent platform.


- UTUK Music & TV

Share your music, videos to a new audience to build a fanbase a make close connections with more Industry Professionals.


- Blog & Website

Submit news, stories and much more to keep followers up to date with what you are getting up to.


Ash Carr

Member Spotlight

Ash Carr

Solo acoustic singer songwriter/performer


 from Ipswich, Suffolk. I'm releasing my first official single with a video on Nov 20th. I have played many gigs and open mics around Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk, Cambridge and London. Including a few festivals including Cambridge Club and Folk East. I'm at a stage in my career where I'm continuing to write towards an album and collaborate with other artists and take my music to the next level.

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